It doesn't matter what you call it — trash, litter, debris, or junk — it's dangerous to our safety, our wildlife, our economy, and our well being. Roadside trash is ruining “the view” for everyone. Aquatic debris is a threat to our favorite recreational activities — like swimming, kayaking, boating, and fishing. Wildlife are harmed each year because they mistake litter and plastic debris for food or become entangled in ropes and lines.
Remember the ‘Crying Indian’ public service announcements that aired in the early 1970s? It captures the idea that throwing litter and waste into public spaces degrades the space and encourages more littering. That’s why we need to “team up to clean up” and restore Calhoun and Gordon County’s natural glory!
Donny Robertson is a fanatic for litter pickup. He leads a Spring clean up event each year and can often be seen picking up litter near his neighborhood. He invites individuals, families, business crews, local clubs to join him.
Check out our events page for upcoming clean up and litter prevention events.